After a weekend of working I was so excited to have a day at home with R yesterday. We are so thankful for those who have served our country, and those that have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can relax and rest and feel safe in our homes. We took full advantage of this day to rest and relax. I'm pretty sure it was somewhere near 11am when we woke up and around 4pm when I finally got out of my p.j.'s. It was the most glorious day! We enjoyed a day at home just relaxing and enjoying each other and our little pup.
Speaking of Gidget - she is doing much better and recovering nicely from the snake bite. The bite area is pretty disgusting but it shows no signs of infection so far and is improving daily. She is definitely back to her old self and we are so glad!
I have been playing some with my new camera around the house and yard and here are some of the cool pictures I have gotten so far...
We found this little guy burrowing into our yard after a rain storm
One of our knockout roses getting ready to bloom! (left)